Tu veux écouter des podcasts en français? The wild and varied world of French podcasting is out there for you to discover. Whatever your interest, whatever your skill level there is a podcast waiting for you.
i. Le journal en français facile

Level: beginner-intermediate (how you use the script gives flexibility)
ii. Studio 404

iii. Aujourd’hui l’histoire

From their website: "Comprendre notre passé, c'est comprendre ce que nous avons été pour mieux comprendre qui nous sommes aujourd'hui. Jacques Beauchamp aborde un fait, un événement ou une idée qui a marqué l'histoire, la nôtre ou celle des autres, en compagnie d'un ou de plusieurs invités. Les sujets peuvent être sérieux ou légers."
Level: intermediate +
iv. Affaires sensibles

v. SBS French
From the SBS, this podcast provides news in French covering world news, Australian news, the Australian economy and also French events in Australia. It's a really good way to discover what French events and businesses are operating in Melbourne and elsewhere in Australia, as well as what new movies are on SBS on demand. The podcast episodes are fairly short, around ten minutes, and have clear titles on their content.
Level: Intermdiate +
If none of the above podcasts thrill you, t’inquiète pas! A simple search for ‘french podcast, 'learn french' or ‘podcast français’ on google or in a podcast app can bring you a long way. En plus, the websites of ‘France Culture’ and ‘France Inter’ contain a huge number of podcasts that could tempt you! There are a incredible number of French podcasters out there for beginners as well.
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